Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The 5 Most Pointless Things from the Shutdown Coverage

Now that the doors of the government have reopened and the country can pay its bills -- for a short while at least-- here are my 5 least helpful things from the news coverage.

5. Shutdown Clocks 

 Because it really matters that everyone knows to the second how long it has been since Congress officially stopped working -- unofficially, well it has been quite a bit longer.

CNNs pointless shutdown clock

4. Did anyone fact-check the "reasons" the some republicans were against increasing the debt ceiling?

There used to be a school of thought that journalism meant telling the truth. Obviously, that isn't the top strength of the politicians. Hence, the idea of the Fourth Estate, another check on the government. Or we can just report whatever they say, but it is true that they did say it.

So if a Congress person says they don't want to raise the debt limit because it adds to the deficit, maybe, just maybe, a news station could mention that it really isn't the case (I'm looking at you CNN and Fox). Even Yahoo got this one right.

3. CNN's "Blame Both Sides" Fail

In an effort not to alienate any viewers from either party CNN tried to slam some democrats for not compromising and letting the shutdown take effect. Here is one problem with that. Here is another. CNN has become the middle child between MSNBC and Fox News. Instead of being non-partisan, CNN is trying to be dual-partisan, which is a fail.

2. Being Stupid or in Congress is News?

Ok, the shutdown drama was good for ratings. I get that. But reporting on people being stupid, just because its related to the shutdown is not how I imagine the media could foster bipartisan debate.
Being upset or outraged when the Federal government shuts down, and national parks close is like bombing McDonald's and then being upset when you can't get a BigMac.

Kudos to Senator Cruz and Sarah Palin who protested the shutdown of memorials after they pushed for the shutdown of the government -- in a crowd of veterans (neither of them were in the military) and someone waving a confederate flag.

Stupidity or false outrage just to get on TV - that's why we have Jerry Springer.

Shutdown protest sign says "Respect Our Vets" while protestor waves confederate flag.

The # 1 reason why the shutdown coverage was pointless:

Nothing got solved, the media soaked up the ratings and rejoiced. And there is a good chance we get to do it all over again in a few months.

Oh, and there were no PandaCams.

So let me extend my thanks for all of the great coverage that really informed me about what really mattered during the shutdown.

C U Next Time we Shutdown!

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